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City of Shapes Fall 2017

This is my "City of Shapes" that I built in Drafting 1 my Sophomore year. I took geometric figures and turned them into building. I then added detail's to the building's, like window's, to make the city look even more realistic. I even went as far as naming some of the building's based on how they looked. There were 18 building's in all and they were all unique in their own way. 

Auto Cad Snap and Grid Alphabet and Numbers 2017

This Fall, I learned how to use Auto cad, similar to sketch up but different in it's own ways. In this project, I created the alphabet and numbers using the line command in Auto cad. To help me with accuracy, I I used the grid and snap function to create straight lines. I also learned how to change properties of an object by using the properties and tool palette.

After creating the alphabet, we created numbers 0-9.    

Auto Cad Snap and Grid Galaga 2017

This Fall, we created galaga, but in Auto Cad. I used the snap tool to create the aliens and the ships, then I used copy and paste to put them in order to make it look like the actual game. I then copy and pasted the score and the level onto the game using the numbers we had created previously in the project. The stars in the background were also created using the copy and paste tool. This is the end product of the project.

Sketch Up Sky Scraper 2017

This Fall, we created a skyscraper in sketch up. I chose the Willis tower because of its unique shape and form. First, I made the actual building itself using the push pull tool to make the actual structure of the building. Then, I used the copy and paste to put the windows onto the building. Finally, I used the paint tool to color each and every window in. 

Auto Cad Mini Golf 2017

This Fall, we created mini golf courses in auto cad. We used a bunch of different tools to build these courses. We built the actual courses first, then we used the hatch tool to give the courses color. After, we added in water to give the mini golf course some detail. Then, we replicated our golf courses into sketch up and made a video. This project was one of my favorites because I got to choose where the courses went and the amount of detail I got to add to it. 

Auto Checker Board 2017

This fall, we created a Checkers Board in Auto cad. First, we created the Red and black chip by using the off-set tool to replicate the many lines inside each of the chips. Then, we made both the red and black chips into one so that we could place more and more without having to copy and paste. Finally, we made the checkerboard using the rectangular array tool. Then, I placed the Chips onto the board and it was finished!

Auto Doors 2017

This fall, we went into Autocad to learn how to make doors. First, we drew the outside of the door. Then, we used the offset tool to make all the boxes inside the door. We also had to use the trim tool because there were so many extra lines we didn't need. After we made the doors, we made them into blocks so that we wouldn't have to make them over again if we ever needed them. 

Sketch Up Beach House 2017

This Fall, we created a beach house in sketchup. First, we had to to make the actual house by using the push pull tool. After making the actual foundation of the house, we added detail to the house. When I made the windows, I added trim to make it look more realistic. After the windows were done, I made the door. I did the same thing to the door that I did to the window. After I made both the windows and the door, I used copy and paste to copy both them onto different sides of the house. I also made railings for the different stories of my house. I used copy and paste to make those too. Finally, I added color to make it look like a typical beach house. 

Drafting Shapes

Sketch Up Beach House 2017

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Auto-Cad R2D2

The winter we made R2D2 in autocad. First, we made the legs of the droid using the snap tool to make every measurement exact. After one leg was finished, we mirrored it to another side to look the exact same. After the legs were finished, we hatched them to the color we wanted. After all the legs were done, we made the torso. There were multiple parts to the torso, so we made them piece by piece. After the torso was finished and hatched, the head was left. There were also multiple pieces to the head so we did it in separate pieces. after all was finished, we connected the body parts and R2D2 was done. 

Auto-Cad Tetris

This winter, we decided to make tetris in autocad. First, we made the blocks that the tetris game actually uses. After connecting every block, we arranged them into certain patterns to fit the game. We then a put them into place on the game board. Finally, we added in text such as the score, the level, how many line you have, the high score, and what block you had next.  

Drafting Example problems

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Drafting SOV problems

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Auto-Cad Restaurant

This winter, we used Auto-Cad to make our very own restaurants. We started off by going online to look a designs. Once we found one we liked, we Incorporated its design into out own. First, i started of by making the structure of the house, repeating everything on each side of the building, Then, I made windows so you could see into the building. After finishing the outside of the house, my focus turned to the inside. Is placed booths and tables on the interior to make it look more realistic. Finally, i named the building, and it is now known as Bradley's Burger Joint, a place where all can come to watch sports and enjoy amazing food with friends and family. 

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